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To steal something from a better writer than myself, I'm a drunk homosexual with low moral fibre.

Sunday, 3 January 2010

New Who.

Hot on the heals of David Tennant still managing to bring a tear to my eye, despite being forced to leave in an embarrassingly bad two parter, comes the BBC trailer for the next series of Dr Who. I'll definitely miss Tennant (and Russell T Davies too for that matter) and I'm a little concerned that Steven Moffat is the man taking over (because while his Who stuff has been ace, I was never a fan of Coupling) but what the hell, I'm officially excited.

And to add extra excitement is the continuing rumour than Neil Gaiman shall be giving us an episode. It may be false, but there's still hope. And this of course leads nicely in to Statuesque, which is rather good, and is now on the internet. I'd feel guilty about sticking this up, but he's already put it on his own blog, so I don't. Enjoy.