She comes across as very likable, a nice girl with a history of depression who embraces the attention and is honest as she can be about her state of mind. He on the other hand comes across as a horrid little creep, droning out faux concern as to her well being and cliched lectures on just why she's so wrong to look like she does. He unconvincingly mimes his general disgust at girls who aren't flat chested, he attempts to blackmail her emotionally using her own mother, and he feebly protests that the attention is getting isn't good attention because its to do with her looks. Bit rich from a man who seems to have landed a broadcasting job on no other basis than he looks and talks a bit like Louis Theroux.
And Louis Theroux is exactly why this program is so horrid, in the same way this Mark Dolan is a substandard imitation of Theroux, the show is a pretty feeble clone of Weird Weekend, or at least its format. A smart-arsed, cross geeky/laddish Brit wonders around smirking at how weird foreigners are (I'm amazed this isn't being filmed in the US, but presumably Mexico is close enough) and generally displaying enough condescending self-satisfaction to make even the strongest stomached of us nauseous.

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