I'm keeping low and quiet right now, very much looking forward to the Hay Festival, and nursing the delicious new crush that has emerged from the latest Star Trek movie.

Don't you just want to stroke him? And that access is just the cutest.
Weirdly I haven't been to see Coraline yet, which is actually quite surprising considering how much I was (am) looking forward to it. Maybe tomorrow.
I have seen Maximo Park at the Academy however, which was very enjoyable, though sadly the new tracks aren't exactly wonderful live (enjoying the album mind). The new ones - for all that there's a very upbeat element to them - pretty much drained the atmosphere from the room. I also saw Ross Noble the other week, also enjoyable, but people who clap instead of laughing should be shot by the authorities.
I am also now officially addicted to Diana Wynne Jones books.
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