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To steal something from a better writer than myself, I'm a drunk homosexual with low moral fibre.

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Ain't it sad.

I had plans for this evening, linked to reading, writing, maybe watching Obama's inauguration. However then I had a very long day, so fuck it I'm watching Mamma Mia. Not quite as easy an option as it may sound, because it leads to much musing on that most tricky of questions; just how much exactly does the Scottish girl despise the irritating Yank and English best friends she's been lumbered with.

But bloody hell, Meryl Streep hasn't half got a pair of lungs on her, even if Dominic Cooper has all the acting range of a coffee table. Just like the girl who plays Sophie. He's got better tits than her though, even if his accent makes me think of longingly for strong chemicals . And Does Your Mother Know? rocks my world.

I will watch the inauguration of course, will be interesting, feel a bit sorry for the poor bloke. The headline of today's Guardian reads Magical spell that will open new American era. So no pressure then.

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