Still, you've got to admire a film where a sass filled Christine Baranski is batting away young, gorgeous black teenagers at every turn; not to mention Meryl Streep having her pick of Bond (James Bond!), Mr Darcy, and some other bloke no-one's ever heard of. Mind they do play it a bit drunken aunty, but it works, mostly, particularly the moment of Spice Girls lite feminism where they cajole the various housewives of the island to leave their husbands and dance around the island for no real reason.
Colin Firth is an utter legend for doing this film by the way, I think he's the only male member of the cast who actually gets what kind of film Mamma Mia is meant to be. I particularly like the choice of a boyfriend for him, they couldn't have found a truer image of the gay British male's dream of a Mediterranean toy boy if they'd tried (which they clearly did). And of course he brings us the brilliance of the final, supposedly deeply erotic kiss between the irritating yank and the irritating Brit being eclipsed Firth's pale, flabby gut as it bounces in the pouring water.
Julie Walters is a halfway point, who irritates me for a large part of this movie (because she's a great actress who seems to spend half of her career acting like your Grandma after a few gins on karaoke night at the home), absolutely redeems herself with her man hungry, borderline cock-crazed performance of Take A Chance On Me (climaxing in possibly the most perplexing head banging session ever filmed).

Right, a little too much musing on Mamma Mia here, I'd best hurry, Wonder Boys is starting soon (wahey) which is frankly the only reason I'm not in bed right now. Somewhat tired because I stayed up later finishing American Gods (gripped, absolutely gripped right until the end), making plans for going to Africa (looks like Sierra Leone is on the cards) and pondering if I should book up on one of the Arvon courses (frustratingly one of the options is absolutely perfect, but it isn't on until frigging November).
I got a little excited by a hint of winter sun today, decided it was clearly warm enough to sit outside and read the paper, went in ten minutes later when it was beginning to hurt me to move my fingers. Silly me, eh.
My, there's a lot of talk about Obama on Newsnight, hardly surprising of course, but why is everybody just stating the bloody obvious? I think I preferred Schama when he was drunk on Newsnight. Ooh, they've just done a very Lord of the Rings shot of the White House, and I have to say, Obama looks very good in that coat.

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