Some alarm bells started ringing when I went over some dissertation work last night as I realised just how far I've let myself slip. So, some proper elbow grease this afternoon and I'm a little bit back on track.
Thing is though, I decided I was going to stay in Wylam library until it shut, so at 7.30 I called Dad as arranged to find out which pub he was in. The bastard had forgotten I was there and buggered off, and now declared himself to have had too many to drive back. So, off to the pub myself until Mum could give me a lift and it was quite nice actually. It was empty, I had a comfortable seat, I had a rum and coke, and I had Seamus Heaney's Death of a Naturalist. So far so good, I sat there for a while and was in utter bliss until some dozy, thick and mardy cow decided that what The Black Bull needed that night was for her to drag her fat ass to that ridiculous fucking juke box and put on, wait for it, Snow Patrol.
Luckily Youtube has lightened my day with a double whammy of Japanese OST goodness. First we have this little beauty taken from the very first Mechagodzilla film where some princess / priestess / long forgotten Soho starlet wakes a sacred monster in that time honoured tradition, a J-Pop number. It takes King Caesar a very long time to wake, while Mechagodzilla seeming stands around and listens instead of pumping the bunny eared shit full of rockets from the word go.
(There was a better, none squashed version but some daft twat has put a block on it being embedded.)
Then, much further down the scale, we have this.
This is Jet Jaguar, and this is his song. I must say, I never noticed how creepy Jet Jaguar was before, and I watched this film many times as a child. Even if he had just helped Godzilla fight off the evil space monsters, you would not allow your child to ride on the shoulders of anything with such a sinister, creepy face. That's the kind of face serial killers wear as masks.
And finally, here's the original Godzilla pop stars The Peanuts singing... well, something. Got no idea what it it, but it sure is ace.
Right. Now. I have three options. Bed (sensible as I'm tired, but no). Dissertation (sensible if I'm going to stay up anyway, but no). Or that Roman polanski box set (Cul de Sac, here we come!)
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