But my it was windy. It was very windy. it was so windy that when we reached the crest of the particular hill we climbed when you stood at the very pinnacle of the large rock we had to scale you could full on lean into the wind at points and it would support your weight. We had to keep a firm hold of Maggie otherwise she's have been away with the wind. Coming back we stopped at innumerable places (well, two) for food and ended up stopping at Alnwich where we, of course, paid a visit to the absolutely magnificent Barter Books (sadly it was too late in the day and too dark to visit the castle, which is truely Zelda worthy). My purchases there included a couple of research books on local folklore, Ted Hughes' first published volume of poetry The Hawk in the Rain and a hardcover of Neil Gaiman's mammoth American Gods (the author's preferred edition too, so longer and hopefully better).
So that's me reading for the next week or so. Add to that the copy of Beowolf I picked up recently, not to mention the Seamus Heaney (Death of a Naturalist) and Claire Tomlin's collection of John Milton poems to add to my growing poetry shelf (my last sales purchases for now, I swear) and I've got an impressive word horde to plough through.
I have a good number of photos I need to get off my camera and onto my laptop (not to mention here and Facebook), the vast bulk of which are from recent walks. A combination of bemused relatives/friends, random shots of the dog, and sub-standard landscape shots. Everything a self-satisfied amateur photographer could want. Trust me, now I'm armed with an Ixus the less-unique-than-I-think shots should be coming in fast and furious.
Twas Grandma's birthday today, and she's better thankfully. The cough is less chainsawing trees in tone, which has been a feature of the past few weeks, so she should be out and about soon. I bought her an audio-book of Brideshead Revisited, read by Jeremy irons no less, all eleven hours of that should keep her going for the time. I think audiobooks may well end up becoming the gift of choice for her, she is not an easy woman to buy for.
Was listening to Chris Evans on Radio 2 (not my choice, believe me) on the way home and they played My! My! Time Flies! at the very end of the show, so I'm assuming that's the new single. Not that surprising since it's one of only two decent song on the entire And Winter Came album, I trust there will be a video. Mind, the ginger twunt (Evans, not Enya) truely boiled my piss by starting talking halfway through the song and then not shutting up for the rest of it. Good God, we sensibly put that man in effective celebrity exile for long enough, why let him back now. He's nearing Edmunds in my Comebacks that can only be stopped by monks with knives list.
And finally, from one dilemma to another. The first Death Note film finally arrived and I very much want to watch it, but I also very much want to go to bed. Now there's a halfway point, watch it on my laptop, but dodgy speakers and a screen fading from use will somewhat diminish the experience. What to do, what to do... Whatever I decide the absolutely divine Tatsuya Fujiwara will be adequate recompense for any missed sleep I may happen to suffer.

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