I'm sure I had some things to mention on here but I can't remember what, it happens a lot that something happens, or I read / see something (or whatever) and I think, hmm, I could write a blog about that and it would be all relevant and shit. I really should carry a notebook I suppose.
I have however just finished a couple more books. Breakfast At Tiffany's grew on me, but I don't think it was a great story (it's too short for me to think of as a novel to be honest) but in parts I enjoyed it. Ajincourt was a nice little read, though it was very much Bernard Cornwell treading familiar ground.
Ah yes, I've remembered one of those things, I did some online digging and found a couple of Daniel Craig snaps in all his Tomb Raider magnificence (best when naked in that film, because then he wasn't wearing those hideous shorts).

Phwoarr, eh.
We're off to the Cheviots tomorrow, should be a nice little outing, definitely myself, Michael, Chloe and our tag along hound Maggie, also likely to have Jon, Sarah and David too, which should be nice. Lunch in the Percy Arms beckons for afters, happy childhood memories are a beckoning.
I have a hard choice ahead. Just what do I read next? Stardust is begging for a second read, A Kestral For A Knave is begging for a first, and I still haven't read Dragon Under The Hill yet. I'll see what grabs me.
Ooh, Roy Orbison's playing on BBC 4, very nice!
EDIT: How bad is this? Not only did I misspell Alfonso Cuarón's name above (now corrected of course) but I've actually seen four of his films. He also directed the (rather fab) mid nineties adaption of A Little Princess.
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