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To steal something from a better writer than myself, I'm a drunk homosexual with low moral fibre.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Daniel Craig Takes A Shower.

Caught the second half of the Tomb Raider film this evening, it isn't the best, and Angelina Jolie's digitally enhanced breasts look ridiculous, but I highly approve of the naked Daniel Craig content. He wasn't the only one who needed a cold shower. Just a little bit leaner than in Bond, and the better for it. I'm very much looking forward to his next film (Defiance). Though whether he'll be sans pants again is as of yet undetermined (and sadly unlikely). Jamie Bell's in it too, bonus!

Had an enjoyable spot of book browsing at lunch and being tempted by various sale items (and in the process found Grandma's birthday present without even needing to try, which must be a first for her). Tempted by allsorts but ended up taking a copy of Seamus Heaney's adaption of Beowolf, and also a cheery little number called Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd.

Had a date on Monday, went to see The Spirit, the film was awful, date not brilliant either. Only two decent things in the film, an early shot of the protagonist in not very many clothes (before he decided to dress up as the love child of Dick Tracy and Franz Ferdinand - the band not the World War starter) and some of Samuel L Jackson's funnier scenes. Like Sin City without the amusing cross of girl power and misogyny.

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